The goals of our two investment strategies are to 1) Primarily utilize stocks to build wealth during your investing/saving years, and 2) Introduce more income-focused securities (i.e., REITs, preferred stocks, utilities, and bonds) to your portfolio to meet your individual needs. Building these portfolios of individual securities is the only way to meet your specific income and growth goals/needs.
For individuals, we work with clients who share our long-term commitment to true wealth building. In our experience (2+ decades), success can be achieved with a lifetime focus on wealth planning, tax analysis, and portfolio management.
For Institutions, we work in two roles, 1) the client’s sole advisor, and 2) a portfolio manager tasked with guiding a portion of the client’s overall assets.
Whatever the topic (interest rates, economy, a specific company, etc.), if we feel we can give you a different viewpoint, simplify the topic, or just apply some sanity, we will take a crack at it... in our own unique way. In addition to social media outlets, we utilize our blog,, as well as client quarterly newsletters to disseminate information.

Are you a fiduciary obligated to put my interests first?Yes. Not only is it the right approach to always do what's best for the client, as a fee-only, independent investment advisor we are actually structured to always put our client's interest first. Fee-only and independent means we only get paid by you thus everything we do is for you. The way it should be!
How do you charge for services?We work under an assets under management (AUM) fee structure. This means we charge you based on the value of the assets we manage for you. Our annual AUM fee is anywhere from 1% - 1.5%. Fees are billed in arrears and on a quarterly basis.
Who is your ideal client?We work with clients from all walks of life and at different stages of life… but, the one underlying trait is that they are committed to investing and the process of growing their wealth. While we do not set a minimum portfolio size, our investment management approach best serves portfolios with greater than $250,000.
Who is your typical client?Our typical client is investing towards retirement or in retirement. They have multiple accounts (i.e., IRA's, Taxable, 401(k)'s, Trusts) that we manage as ONE portfolio. Our clients range in age, with the majority concentrated in 40's - 60's.
Where will my accounts be held?When possible, we have clients open accounts at our primary custodian, TD Ameritrade. With certain account types (i.e., a group 401(k)) moving the account to TD Ameritrade is not an option. With these accounts they remain at the current custodian.