Core Equity
An Investment Approach You Can Trust For The Long-Term…
For over a quarter of a century, our approach has centered on structuring a portfolio of 40 – 60 positions with long-term growth potential to exceed clients’ needs during both savings and income years. A combination of portfolio growth via stock appreciation and income via stock dividends has resulted in an approach built for longevity… proven by its steady performance through both bull and bear markets.
We invest in companies that have a long runway of growth, produce Economic Value Added (EVA), demonstrate intangibles that set it apart, and strong management. We add these businesses only when they trade at a discount to what we believe to be is their fair value.
Our approach eliminates the majority of publicly traded stocks, leaving us with no more than a couple of hundred of companies on our watchlist. Over our two decades of investing, it is this discipline that is responsible for the majority of our investment success.